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Railway Products
Helping to Transport Goods Nationwide


Enidine is fully committed to providing rail transportation products tailored to the unique requirements of each rail system.

We supply standard railway products such as friction snubbers, rebuildable dampers, rotary shock absorbers, and more. Additionally, we offer bespoke solutions for customer-specific applications.

Our team of engineers, supported by dedicated suppliers, develops customised proposals to ensure the most suitable solutions to meet your needs.

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Rebuildable Dampers

Rebuildable Dampers are designed for at least 25 years of operation. These extremely robust products wear at a very slow rate and can easily be adjusted and reconditioned to as-new conditions, giving the dampers a multiple lifetime.

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Specialty Dampers

The KONI Specialty Dampers contain the high-tech dampers in which our innovative power is displayed. These tailor-made products provide our customers with the extra control needed to bring their vehicle designs to the required high levels of comfort, safety, and suitability.

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Rotary Hydraulic Shocks

The demand for improved ride quality and increased durability makes Enidine's Rotary Shock Absorber (RSA) the perfect choice to control vertical and lateral motion in rail suspension applications.

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Friction Snubbers

Enidine Friction Snubbers are used primarily to control vertical and lateral motion on subway passenger cars and locomotives, guarding against lading damage and providing increased ride quality.

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Sealed Dampers

These high-quality products provide maintenance-free superb operation of vibration damping until the next planned major overhaul of the bogies.

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011 791 4442 / 4348

072 324 5025 (Mark)

079 594 3139 (Charles)


11 Pongola Avenue 

Randpark Ridge 



Monday-Thursday: 8:00 - 16:30
Friday: 8:00 - 15:00
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed
Public Holidays: Closed

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